SSC/HSC পরিক্ষার Graph/Chart লিখার শর্টকাট নিয়ম ।। এডুকেশন ব্লগি - Education Blog


Graph & Chart লেখার সবচেয়ে সহজ পদ্ধতি. SSC & HSC English.

Graph ev Chart g~jZ GK ai‡bi visual fact ( `„k¨vqgvb welq) †K †evSvq| †Kvb GKwU wP‡Îi g‡a¨ wbw`©ó RwicK…Z †Kvb Z_¨ ev DcvË my›`i I mvewjj fv‡e eY©bv‡KB Graph ev Chart e‡j|

এক গ্রাফ এবং চার্ট  দিয়ে যেকোন ধরনের গ্রাফ

Graph & Chart লেখার সবচেয়ে সহজ পদ্ধতি. SSC & HSC English.
Graph & Chart - SSC & HSC English.

Paragraph Gi g‡Zv Graph Ges Chart wjLvi †ÿ‡ÎI K‡qKwU welq g‡b ivLv Riæix:

1.    Topic sentence: e¨vw³MZ gZvgZ cwinvi K‡i, †Kvb wel‡qi Dc‡i Graph/Chart wjL‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q †mB evK¨wU wjL‡Z n‡e|

2.    Supporting sentence: GB As‡k m¤úyb© Graph Ges Chart we¯ÍvwiZ wjL‡Z n‡e| e‡j ivLv fv‡jv, Graph/Chart G ïaygvÎ eY©bv Ki‡jB n‡e bv, eY©bvwU n‡Z n‡e Zzjbvg~jK we‡kølY| A_©vr me‡P‡q †ewk - me‡P‡q Kg, me‡P‡q DuPz-me‡P‡q wbPz, fv‡jv-g›` Ggb compare & contrast (mv`„k¨-‰emv`„k¨) g~jK eY©bv n‡e|

3.    Concluding sentence: me‡P‡q, topic sentence- Gi K_v gv_vq †i‡L †kl GKwU evK¨ w`‡Z n‡e, hvi ga¨ w`‡q Graph ev Chart -Gi mvi K_v dz‡U DV‡e| Z‡e, G‡ÿ‡Î e¨w³MZ K_v A_©vr 1st person (I/We) w`‡q †Kvb evK¨ wjLv hv‡e bv|

HSC and SSC পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য Graph/Chart লেখার সেরা পদ্ধতি

Pie Chart

The given pie chart reveals the (MÖvdwUi g~j welq). According to the chart, there are (Dcv`vb msL¨v) specific categories, namely (c‡q›U ¸‡jvi bvg). The chart shows that the highest level of ( welq) is caused by (c‡q‡›Ui bvg) and it covers (kZKiv nvi) of the total (welq). The second rate of ( welq ) is caused by ( c‡q‡›Ui bvg ) which cover ( kZKiv nvi ) of the  total (welq).  The third sources and are the (c‡q‡›Ui bvg ) which cover (kZKiv nvi ) (welq). Next comes the (welq) by (c‡q‡›Ui bvg) which is (kZKiv nvi) of the total. From the chart it also becomes clear that the rate to ( welq ) is very close by ( c‡q›U bvg /kZKiv nvi) and (c‡q›U bvg /kZKiv nvi). However, the lowest rate of (welq) is caused by (c‡q‡›Ui bvg ). Finally, the chart shows that the source of (welq) chronologically from the lowest to the highest are : (‡QvU c‡q‡›Ui bvg †_‡K eo c‡q‡›Ui bvg) .

Graph Chart

The given graph reveals the (MÖvdwUi g~j welq). The vertical axis notices (Dj¤^ †iLv Kx wb‡`©k K‡i) and the horizontal axis indicates (Avbyf‚wgK †iLv Kx wb‡`©k K‡i). It is seen from the graph that the ( wel‡qi bvg) of increase and decrease in some years from (1g mvj) till (‡kl mvj). According to the data in ( 1g mvj) the ( wel‡qi bvg) was (%) . In the next year the rate ( e„w× / n«vm) to (%) which was ( we‡qvMdj) ( e„w× †d‡j greater than / n«vm †d‡j less than) that of the previous year. In ( 3q mvj) the rate (e„w× / n«vm ) evenmore, which was (%). However, in (4_© mvj) the trend had changed and the ( wel‡qi bvg) (e„w× / n«vm ) to (%). The Overall analysis of the graph shows that the highest and lowest rates of (wel‡qi bvg)  between (1g mvj)  and (‡kl mvj)  were (1g%)  and (‡kl%) respectivelly. Though there was a decreasing trend between the years (1g mvj) and (‡kl mvj), the Overall trend was on the (e„w× / n«vm).Overall, the graph illustrates that the (wel‡qi bvg) is are improving steadily / surprisingly increased / decreasing steadily.



GKwU graph  ev chart mvaviYZ PviwU ai‡bi ewY©Z n‡q _v‡K| GB eY©bv¸‡jv wb‡Pi kã ¸‡jvi mvnvh¨ Av‡iv †ewk I mnR mvewjj  n‡Z cv‡i|

·      DaŸ©g~Lx graph eY©bvq                    increased to/climb to

·      wbb¥gyLx graph eY©bvq                    dropped to/ decreased to

·      Z_¨/Dcv‡Ëi cwie©Zb bv n‡j            remained stable at

·      Kg †ewk ev DVv bvgv Ki‡j               raise and fall

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